Budgeting → Confidence → Sexy

Stephen Snider
3 min readJun 16, 2020

Budgeting doesn’t have to be a scary thing…

  • Budgeting helps you to understand your financial future and feel more confident you are making the best choices.
  • There are lots of tools out there to help you balance your spending and your income.
  • Don’t listen to the haters. Budgeting can be fun, and it does help.

Budgeting leads to Confidence, which makes you Sexy.

Have you ever tried to do a budget before? Maybe you started one and then stopped. Or you have one, but it is very messy. Or perhaps you don’t prepare one at all because you don’t know where to start or are scared. Don’t worry! Only one in three Americans use a budget (Source).

I’m sure you’ve heard before that when you budget, you can save more money and grow richer (Source). Budgeting also helps you to be happier because you know your financial future and can better plan (Source). When you save towards your future and feel more secure, then you are a more confident person. Why? Because you know that you are making good choices with your money. You’ll feel safe knowing you can afford a new car or to make that investment. When you have this confidence, you’ll feel sexier. Budgeting makes you richer, happier, confident, and attractive.

So how do you budget?

You’ll need to take some time to do it correctly. Set aside an hour or two and get all your statements together. Organizing everything is half the struggle, but it is worth it. A budget gives you a sense of security, knowing how much money you are earning and how much money you are spending.

You’ll want to add up all your income from your job and any investments. Then you add up all your expenses and bills, so you know what you spend each month. Think of this process like a scale. If Money In = Money Out, then you are perfectly balanced. Your goal should be that your Money In weighs more than Money Out. Then you’ll be able to save and invest some money each month.

There are lots of tools out there to help you with budgeting. Some of them are Mint, Simplifi Money, and Good Budget. Nerd Wallet made a list of the 7 Best Budget Apps for 2020. You could do it all in Excel, or you can have someone else help you.

Once you start, it gets easier.

Some people think that budgeting is not sexy because they require work. Budgets are not glamorous, and you won’t get an award for the best budget. But they do help you to be mindful of your money. When you know how much you can spend, you can be smart with your decisions.

Setting up your budget and entering all your information may seem daunting. But after you do it the first time, you’ll have the budget to use each month. Like with anything, a little effort goes a long way. At Physis Investment, we’re here to make your life easier, just like budgeting does. Check out the rest of our blogs to see how Personal Finance and Investing doesn’t have to be scary — www.physiser.physisinvest.com.


No. Budgets are Not Sexy.

One in Three Americans Prepare a Detailed Budget

How Tracking Your Money Can Make You Richer

Four Ways Spending Smarter Can Make You Happier

Originally written for www.physiser.physisinvest.com.

